SILKYPIX JPEG Photography 是Mac系統平台上的一款專業的 JPEG圖片處置懲罰軟件,利用SILKYPIX JPEG Photography 9,您可以釋放您的締造力!改良利用數碼相機,智能手機和其他裝備拍攝的JPEG照片。利用清楚度對象來調劑清楚度、徒手選擇畫筆和其他東西。製作出你拍攝照片時想像的高質量照片。

您可使用SILKYPIX JPEG Photography 調整照片的暴光、白均衡、色調、飽和度、銳化、降噪、紅顏校訂等參數,儘管JPEG數據利用8位(256灰度)灰度,但它可以使用SILKYPIX RAW Bridge主動擴大為16位(65,536灰度)。經由過程以與RAW數據雷同的體式格局處置懲罰JPEG數據,可以進行高灰度級圖象質量調劑。

SILKYPIX JPEG Photography 包括“tastes”,一種包括有效氣勢派頭和情勢的預設。選擇“Landscape光景”或“Portrait肖像”等咀嚼,可以輕鬆製作出合適您圖象的制品照片。xyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyz此外,您可以將所有自界說調劑參數留存為咀嚼預設。參數是非常有效的功能,您可以輕鬆地在拍攝的隨意率性數目的照片中從新建立主題和樣式。

With SILKYPIX JPEG Photography 9, you can release your creativity! Improve your JPEG photos taken with digital cameras, smart phones, and other devices. Use clarity tools to adjust sharpness, the freehand selection brush and other tools. Produce the high quality photo you imagined when you took your picture.

Although JPEG data uses 8 bit (256 gradations) gradation, it is automatically expanded to 16 bit (65,536 gradations) using SILKYPIX RAW Bridge. By treating JPEG data in a similar way to RAW data, high gradation rich image quality adjustment is possible.

SILKYPIX JPEG Photography includes "tastes", a kind of preset that incorporates useful styles and forms. Choose a taste such as "Landscape" or "Portrait" to make a finished photograph easily that fits your image. In addition, you can save all of your custom, adjusted parameters as a taste preset. Parameters are very useful functions, and you can easily recreate themes and styles across any number of photographs you take.

Remove unwanted objects using the Spotting Tool, such as dust that may appear due to contamination of your camera sensor. You can also adjust and apply rotation and cropping as you wish.

f you work with multiple images at the same time (such as images shot with continuous shooting), and adjust the taste and parameters, you can make corrections for all selected images at once.
For example, even if you darken the exposure setting of the camera, if you select that picture and make correction, you can correct all the selected images at once.
Release Notes

Fixed some minor bugs
Supported Operation Systems:
OS X 10.9 or later 64-bit

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